Tuesday, 23 March 2010

The Gallery - Me

This weeks prompt was 'Me'
Tara wanted us to share a photo that reflects who we are.
Take a look at this weeks other enteries into The Gallery

This is me, things a bit black and white at the moment.
I know thing are going on but some days they don't feel like they have any colour to them.
Like today; I was sitting on my bed and I couldn't remember what day it was, not in a forgetful sort of way, in a scary - no recollection of whats really happened in the past 48 hours - kind of way, it was horrible, I want the colours back.

There's No Place Like Home

Today my body kinda feels like its giving up on me, yesterday was quite a difficult day, I left work early as I was very close to having a panic attack and was really struggling to calm down. I've not felt that out of control of my body in a long time and its a bit of a shock, I still feel like I'm in 'Fight or Flight' mode now and I'm not too sure how to stop it.
I'm feeling a bit like life has caught up with me, after I ignored what I was saying about just taking Baby steps and tried to take some steps I really wasn't ready for.
I'm still happy though, a bit emotionally drained but happy, things are changing for the better and I'm trying to look forward.

A big decision has been made in the past week or so, I'm going to be giving up my house and moving back to my parents.
This house has been my home for 19 years now (the house was our family home and where my sister and I grew up, my parents bought a new place just over a year ago, they moved out and rented this house to me) but I cant afford to stay here and the good memories of growing up here have been tainted by what happened at Christmas.
I wanted this to be the house I raised a family in but I don't think I could share this house, my home, with somebody else now.

I'm sad to be leaving this house but it really is for the best, I'll be able to start over properly and work out what I want to do.

With every end comes a new beginning and a new adventure, so with that in mind, roll on the next few weeks and...

'The New Adventures of MissSearles'

(has to be said in a Superhero style voice)

Photo credit - Google Images

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

The Gallery - Colour

This weeks prompt was 'Colour'

I love all things colourful, sparkly and sugary so I thought I'd share picture of the yummy sprinkles we added to the cupcakes we made for Mum on Mothers Day.

Take a look at the other entries into this weeks Gallery

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

iPhone Photography-My new Obsession

I have a new hobby....iPhone photography!

Lovely photos from a lovely weekend :)

Reason why I love my iPhone #1

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

The Gallery - A Number

This weeks prompt was 'A Number'

I choose Six because that's the number of days that I've felt happy and like I'm back to my old self.

Monday, 8 March 2010

I'm smiling again

I woke up smiling on Saturday morning
I woke up happy and motivated
I got housework done
I didn't argue with my sister
I woke up happy on Sunday morning too
We went shopping and bought new clothes, I could smile at my reflection
We went to our parents for Sunday dinner, Mum said I seem back to my old self
They've missed it...I've missed it

Best of all?
I'm singing again, I'm singing properly like I always used to
I haven't sung like that for months
I'm singing because I'm happy and you can hear it in my voice

Things are getting better...I think I've turned the corner

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

The Gallery - Beauty

Tara over at Sticky Fingers has started a new blog feature/workshop called The Gallery

The Gallery
Every week I will give you a prompt, an idea, a notion and you go out and take a photograph using that prompt. Or just use a photo you already have.
The prompt could be one word, an object, an idea, a phrase, anything, and you have to post a picture which you feel represents that prompt.
Post it on your blog and write about it.
This weeks prompt was 'Beauty'
I think these pictures show natural and simple beauty perfectly.

They were taken on my iPhone a few months ago and I'm really pleased with how they've come out. I've decided that all my pictures for The Gallery are going to be taken and edited on my iPhone.

Photo details- The colours on the first photo haven't been enhanced at all (mainly because I didn't know how to do that back then) the second photo was edited using an app called 'ColourSplash