Monday, 4 January 2010

Blogosphere Appreciation

I've decided to do a little post to say Thank You to all the other Bloggers in the Blogosphere who have helped me out.

One of the first blogs I started reading was Sticky Fingers by the lovely Tara.
Tara was kind enough to answer my emails full of questions when I first ventured into having my own blog, she gave me some great tips and pointers and also introduced me to some other great blogs-one of them being...

...The one and only Jo Beaufoix!
I'm a bit of a blog stalker and if I find one I really like I will make the effort to read all through the archives-this means that I also have a tendency to comment on old posts (I'm talking a few years old not weeks!) Jo would often reply to comments I'd added on her older posts and has been a great friend to me and offered words of advice and encouragement when I emailed her the other week about my sudden 'single' status.

Paper-and-string is one of the first Craft blogs I started reading and it has really inspired me to make this blog into a mixture of a day to day and a craft blog.
Sara is so creative and I love how colourful her blog is, I've emailed her on a few occasions asking for help on some technical and copyright bits and pieces and she's always been really willing to help me out.

So here's a big Thank You to Tara, Jo and Sara!
If you've never seen their blogs before you should pop over and check them out

I'd also like to add a Thanks to everyone who has followed my threads and offered their best wishes and support on the CraftsForum it has really been appreciated especially during the last week or two.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for the mention, but had no idea you were now single. I'm so so sorry my lovely. So so sorry.
    I'm really glad you found Jo Bo though; and let me tell you, she is just as lovely in real life.
    Big hugs x
