Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Tuesday To Do List *UPDATE*

  1. Buy Travel insurance for Canada Done :-)
  2. MSonT - finish all info pages/finish drafting posts Ummm kinda done but I might also kinda, mighta decided that I want to move to a .com and rebuild the site...maybe :-s
  3. Work out the route for getting to Reading on Saturday for the #ReadingTweetUp Had a great time, got back safe and sound, M25 wasn't as scary as I thought. Still gotta do the write up about it for MSonT though!
  4. Change address on car insurance - Damn it, knew there was something I forgot!
Doing a To Do list like this has worked quite well for me, it been alot easier to keep track of the bits I needed to get done but my head has still felt too busy and all over the place (quite possibly my own fault - trying to do too much at once) so, after having an interesting discussion on Twitter yesterday about Multi-tasking Vs. Uni-tasking, I'm going to look at taking a slightly different tact in the way I approach tasks and how I managed my time.
I shall enlighten you tomorrow...as I'm currently supposed to be doing something else, bloody typical!
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