Monday, 12 April 2010

Plastic Joy Award

I've been passed on this Meme by the lovely Nova from 'Cherished by Me'.
It was created by Tattooed Mummy - here be the rules..

This award is the Plastic Joy Award. Now, I wanted to call it the plastic s*x award but guessed that that would attract bots to my (and your!) pages like blood attracts sharks to a shipwreck so…Plastic Joy. It was created in reaction to the picture above, where action man and an unamed myscene doll were caught in the act in my bathroom!

Here’s the thing, if you are awarded the Plastic Joy award you must list 5 fictional characters that ‘you would’ (you know what I’m talking about! Don’t pretend and stop sniggering at the back, I’ll speak to you after class) these should be the real character not ‘actors’ who play the characters on TV (so no David Tennant!!) but actually fictional characters themselves. You can expand on ‘why’ if you like but you can also just list them. (and leave us to comment and wonder!)
Ok so here goes...

Cook from Skins
Gotta love a bad boy! He's just misunderstood....

Gregory House from House
He's funny, clever, arrogant...He's just House...and he can play the piano *swoon*

Will Schuster from Glee
He can sing, plus he's gorgeous and sweet, whats not to like!

Chase from Step-Up 2
He's a dancer, he's funny and he has an amazing body. If you've not seen the film you HAVE to watch it!

JD from Scrubs
 He's a bit quirky but he's sensitive and funny

I'm not going to tag anyone with this Meme as it seem most people have already done it (I've beena bit slow with getting it done!)
If you want to have a go though feel free to do so!
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